Service of opening the house, room, balcony bathroom, any locked doors. Very quickly, qualitatively, without damage as much as possible. Price from 50 Gel.
If you locked your car, left the key in the cabin or simply lost it, we will help you. We will open the doors of any car without damage, very quickly and easily. Price from 50 Gel.
Changing locks on any type of doors, if you need to install a new lock or replace an old one, we will help you. Price depends on the lock and the difficulty of installation.
Our team will provide you with the highest quality service on each call. Professionals with many years of experience at your service.
Fast service
Fast service during locked doors is the most important thing. Our team is distributed all over the city and the appropriate specialist will arrive at the address in a very short time after the call.
Optimal prices
All services you receive from MASTER MISTER are work done by professionals. Affordable prices make our services accessible to everyone.